Ambiguous replies about his travels abroad aroused the suspicions of airport officials and led to the arrest of Pakistani-American Lashkar-e-Tayiba operative, David Headley, charged with criminal conspiracy in the Mumbai terror attacks.
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's S P Jain Institute of Management & Research and Virginia Polytechnic and State University, USA, invite applications for its 18-month, full-time Masters in Information Technology programme.
Professor Niraj Verma, operational head of the first India Chair in Democracy and Civil Society in the US, in conversation with Aziz Haniffa
Oscar nominations and the subsequent ad blitz in the media mean hotter box-office hits across North America, and in many other countries.
The 32-million-pound National Tennis Centre is aiming to provide everything necessary to aspiring world number ones on a single site.
Friends, neighbours and teachers remember Minal Panchal, who was killed in the V-Tech massacre.
More than 60 years ago, a bicycle thief in Louisville, Kentucky, unknowingly set in motion one of the most amazing sports careers in history.
In his penultimate State of the Union address, Barack Obama said that the economy is improving.
More than a year after he was nominated by President Barack Obama, the US Senate, defying the powerful pro-gun lobby National Rifle Association, voted to confirm Dr Vivek Hellegere Murthy as the first Indian American US Surgeon General and the youngest ever at age 37, in a cliff-hanger of a 51-43 vote.
Indians all over the US are going beyond being human and are learning to be humanitarian and expand their philanthropy activities finds Ajailiu Niumai.
Debutante author Rahul Mehta tells Abhishek Mande how being gay Indian American has shaped his worldview and contributed to his first book.
Cadet Lieutenant Rajiv S Srinivasan who is about to graduate from the West Point Military Academy speaks of his experiences.
An interview with former US assistant secretary of commerce Raymond E Vickery speaks on his book The Eagle And The Elephant: Strategic Aspects Of Us-India Economic Engagement.
Democratic Party nominee Barack Obama, by flipping Virginia, Ohio, Iowa and New Mexico from red states in the 2004 elections to blue in this year's contest, took a commanding lead in the 2008 US Presidential Election, causing CNN to project him the winner and the 44th President of the United States of America
Six Indian-American high school juniors and 19 others, all named 'Leaders of Tomorrow', will discuss ways to heal the ills faced by society at a meeting later this month on the Bentley College campus at Waltham, Massachusetts. The students are winners of the 2008 Tomorrow 25, an international leadership competition for high school juniors organised by Bentley College, in cooperation with Time magazine.
'Youngsters, it's clear, are voting for Obama. Not only that, they canvass for him, add him to their Facebook and MySpace profiles, and talk about him over coffee and classwork. Should he win, he will be inexorably linked with my generation.'
The untold story of how an epic loser engineered what may be the greatest brand makeover ever.
Sudhakar V Shenoy, founder, chairman and CEO, Information Management Consultants, Inc, says 'if we do not pull up the next generation, we would have failed.'